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时间:2009-11-13     浏览次数:

职称职务 三级教授、博士生导师
学科专业 生物材料
联系方式 87793523
电子邮箱 yang_sunny@yahoo.com 
教育经历 1989年6月,武汉大学化学系获理学学士学位
2002年4月-2004年4月,德国Mainz大学物理化学研究所,洪堡学者,(合作导师:Prof. B.A. Wolf)。
2004年4月-2006年4月,日本九州老员工物资源环境学院生物材料设计实验室,日本学术振兴会JSPS fellow。(合作导师:近藤哲男教授)
工作经历 1989年6月-1999年,武汉大学化学系,任助教、讲师
学术兼职 现任中国化学会纤维素专业委员会副主任,中国造纸学会纳米纤维素及材料专业委员会委员,中国化学会高分子表征委员会委员,中国生物材料学会生物医用高分子材料分会委员。担任国际学术期刊Engineered Science》执行主编和Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials》编委。
研究方向 1)天然高分子的有序组装及其结构与性能的研究;2)细菌纤维素的生物炼制过程控制与优化;3)新型药物载体;4)医用细胞与组织工程支架材料的研制;5)仿生生物制造;6)生物功能材料;7)分离膜材料。


中国化学会青年化学奖(2002)、教育部自然科学二等奖(2004)、湖北省杰青(2008)、华中学者(2013)、教育部青年骨干教师(2000)和湖北省优秀博士论文(2001)等多项奖励。并分别荣获德国洪堡基金会及日本学术振兴会的资助。发表学术论文100多篇。应邀在Biomedical Engineering - Frontiers and Challenges和 Biomedical Science, Engineering and Technology英文书中撰写细菌纤维素和聚乳酸生物材料的研究进展, 参与编写专著和教材5本。授权专利8项。

1.Biaou O. Ode Boni, Lallepak Lamboni, Tiatou Souho, Mario Gauthier and Guang Yang* (2019) Immunomodulation and cellular response to biomaterials: the overriding role of neutrophils in healing, Materials Horizons, DOI: 10.1039/ C9MH00291J

2.Tiatou Souho, Lallepak Lamboni, Lin Xiao, Guang Yang * (2018) Cancer hallmarks and malignancy features : Gateway for improved targeted drug delivery. Biotechnology Advances, 36(7) : 1928-1945 .

3.AME Abdalla, Lin Xiao, Muhammad Wajid Ullah, M Yu, Chenxi Ouyang, Guang Yang * (2018) Current challenges of cancer anti-angiogenic therapy and the promise of nanotherapeutics. Theranostics 8(2):533-548.

4.Junchuan Yang, L Wang, W Zhang, Z Sun, Y Li, M Yang, D Zeng, B Peng,  Wenfu Zheng, Xingyu Jiang *, Guang Yang * (2018) Reverse Reconstruction and Bioprinting of Bacterial Cellulose-Based Functional Total Intervertebral Disc for Therapeutic Implantation. Small, 14(7) 1702582.

5.Yajia Huang, Xia A, Guang Yang*, Fan Jin* (2018) Bioprinting Living Biofilms through Optogenetic Manipulation. ACS Syntetic Biology, 7:1195−1200.

6.Lin Xiao, Lixia Huang, Firmin Moingeon, Mario Gauthier*, and Guang Yang*, pH-Responsive Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-block-Polylactide Micelles for Tumor-Targeted Drug Deliver, Biomacromolecules. 2017, 18 (9), 2711–2722.

7.Ying Li, Yue Tian, Wenshu Zheng, Yan Feng, Rong Huang, Jingxin Shao, Rongbing Tang, Peng Wang, Yuexiao Jia, Jiangjiang Zhang, Wenfu Zheng,* Guang Yang,* and Xingyu Jiang*. (2017) Composites of Bacterial Cellulose and Small Molecule-Decorated Gold Nanoparticles for Treating Gram-Negative Bacteria-Infected Wounds, Small, 1700130.

8.Zhijun Shi, Xing Gao, Muhammad Wajid Ullah, Sixiang Li, Qun Wang*, Guang Yang*, (2016) Electroconductive natural polymer-based hydrogels, Biomaterials, 111: 40-54.

9.Lallepak Lamboni, Ying Li, Jian feng Liu, and Guang Yang*. (2016) Silk Sericin-Functionalized Bacterial Cellulose as a Potential Wound-Healing Biomaterial. Biomacromolecules, 17, 3076−3084

10.Lallepak Lamboni, Mario Gauthier, Guang Yang *, Qun Wang *, (2015) Silk sericin: A versatile material for tissue engineering and drug delivery,Biotechnology Advances,33:1855-1867.

11.Shaohui Li, Dekang Huang, Bingyan Zhang,  Xiaobao Xu, Mingkui Wang*, Guang Yang*, Yan Shen*,(2014) Flexible Supercapacitor based on Bacterial Cellulose Paper Electrodes, Advanced Energy Materials, 4, 1301655-61.

12.Zhijun Shi, Ying Li, Xiuli Chen, Hongwei Han, Guang Yang *, (2014) Double network bacterial cellulose hydrogel to build a biology–device interface. Nanoscale. 6: 970-7.




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