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时间:2009-11-10     浏览次数:


职称职务 副教授、硕导
学科专业 环境微生物学,微生物发酵工程与酶工程


传    真:027-87792265

电子邮箱 hulwei_009@163.com
教育经历 1991年 获湖北工学院(现湖北工业大学)发酵工程学士学位
1996年 获天津轻工业学院(现天津科技大学)发酵工程硕士学位
2004年 获华中科技老员工物医学工程博士学位
工作经历 1996年-现在,华中科技老员工命科学与技术学院

(1)环境微生物学:① 岩溶生态环境包括土壤、水体微生物群落及其环境适应机制以及在碳、氮循环中的作用及其机制;② 基于微生物及碳酸酐酶的固碳增汇研究;③基于微生物及碳酸酐酶的生物矿化及其应用;④有用基因资源的挖掘

(2)脆弱生态修复:①微生物土壤改良剂;② 微生物肥料



先后主持5项国家自然科学基金项目、2项中国地质调查局地质调查工作项目子课题,参与中国西部环境和生态科学重大研究计划项目、973项目子课题、国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目子课题、湖北省重点基金、武汉市科技攻关重点项目,同时还参与了多项企业科技攻关和成果转化项目。已在Chemical Engineering Journal、Bioresource Technology、 Geoderma、Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces、Plant and Soil、Applied Soil Ecology等学术期刊发表SCI论文 10余篇,获授权专利7项。



(1)Chenwei Wang, Wei Li*, Taiming Shen, Wenli Cheng, Zhuang Yan, Longjiang Yu. Influence of soil bacteria and carbonic anhydrase on karstification intensity and regulatory factors in a typical karst area. Geoderma, 2018, 313: 17-24

(2)Taiming Shen, Wei Li*, Weizhi Pan, Shengyan Lin, Min Zhu, Longjiang Yu*. Role of bacterial carbonic anhydrase during CO2 capture in the CO2-H2O-carbonate system. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 123: 66-74

(3)Wei Li, Wei-Shan Chen, Peng-Peng Zhou, Long-Jiang Yu*. Influence of enzyme concentration on bio-sequestration of CO2 in carbonate form using bacterial carbonic anhydrase. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 232: 149-156

(4)Wei Li, Wei-Shan Chen, Peng-Peng Zhou, Shi-Lin Zhu, Long-Jiang Yu*. Influence of initial calcium ion concentration on the precipitation and crystal morphology of calcium carbonate induced by bacterial carbonic anhydrase. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 218: 65-72

(5)Wei Li, Wei-Shan Chen, Peng-Peng Zhou, Long Cao, Long-Jiang Yu*. Influence of initial pH on the precipitation and crystal morphology of calcium carbonate induced by microbial carbonic anhydrase. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2013, 102: 281-287

(6)Wei Li, Liping Liu, Weishan Chen, Longjiang Yu*, Wenbing Li, Haizhen Yu. Calcium carbonate precipitation and crystal morphology induced by microbial carbonic anhydrase and other biological factors. Process Biochemistry, 2010, 45:1017-1021

(7)Wei Li, Longjiang Yu*, Yun Wu, Liping Jia, Daoxian Yuan. Enhancement of Ca2+ release from limestone by microbial extracellular carbonic anhydrase. Bioresource Technology, 2007, 98: 950-953

(8)Wei Li*, Long-jiang Yu, Dao-xian Yuan, Yun Wu, Xian-dong Zeng. A study of the activity and ecological significance of carbonic anhydrase from soil and its microbes from different karst ecosystems of Southwest China. Plant and Soil, 2005, 272: 133-141

(9)Wei Li, Long-jiang Yu*, Qiu-fang He, Yun Wu, Dao-xian Yuan, Jian-hua Cao. Effects of microbes and their carbonic anhydrase on Ca2+ and Mg2+ migration in column-built leached soil-limestone karst systems. Applied Soil Ecology, 2005, 29: 274-281


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