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学术报告_How to work as a Responsible Scientist: Fostering the Advancement, Promotion, and Protection of Science

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2011-04-09 点击量:

报告题目:How to work as a Responsible Scientist: Fostering the Advancement, Promotion, and Protection of Science



报告人:Professor Barry R. Masters, Visiting Scholar, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Visiting Scientist, Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts



The process of Science is one of humanity’s outstanding intellectual and cultural achievements. It provides the people of the world with a set of tools and processes that can be utilized to generate knowledge. As a community of scientists and scholars we share a common responsibility to advance, promote, and protect the process of Science. Not only scientists, but all scholars, students, teachers, and the general public are also part of the community that values knowledge and therefore also shares common values and respect for the scientific process. But how do we learn the responsible conduct of research? This public lecture is intended as a survey of several key aspects of responsible conduct of research. I will address the following questions: why should we value the process of science and strive to advance, promote, and protect it? What are the roles and the responsibilities of authors, editors, reviewers? How does peer review work? What is the meaning of scientific misconduct? What is data fabrication and data falsification? What are the elements of intellectual property: copyright and patents? What are the ethical guidelines for research with animals; research with humans? What are conflicts of interest? What is the relationship between the university and industry? What are the consequences of failure to work as a responsible scientist?



Barry R. Masters教授简介:

    Masters教授在麻省理工学院讲授过《医学和生物学的历史与人类学》、《生物仪器和测量》、《生物学》、《机械工程学》、《爱因斯坦、奥本海默、费曼:二十世纪物理学》、《生物材料:组织相互作用》、《组织工程原理与实践》、《肿瘤病理生理学和传输现象:一种系统生物学方法》、《生物和医学中的非侵入式成像》、《人类病理学原理与实践》、《功能性人体解剖学》和《哲学:量子力学》等课程,在哈佛大学讲授过《生物物理前沿》、《生物伦理学、法律和生命科学》、《列奥纳多•达•芬奇:艺术的科学与科学的艺术》、《科学、权利与政治》、《二十世纪癌症与医学》、《科学革命》、《The Cell in Theory and History》、《Flat Science: Picturing Knowledge for Print to Virtuality》、《古代晚期和中世纪的科学、哲学与宗教》、《后人类科学研究》和《科学知识产权》等课程。

    Masters教授在Biophysical JournalOptics Express等国际学术期刊发表论文80余篇,著作的书籍多达128本。他是Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques in OphthalmologyMedical Optical Tomography: Functional Imaging and MonitoringSelected Papers on Confocal MicroscopySelected Papers on Optical Low-Coherence Reflectometry and TomographySelected Papers on Multiphoton Excitation MicroscopyConfocal Microscopy and Multiphoton Excitation Microscopy: the Genesis of Live Cell Imaging等书的主编或作者,还与麻省理工学院Peter T. C. So教授共同撰写了Handbook of Biomedical Nonlinear Optical Microscopy一书。现在他正在撰写新书Superresolution Optical Microscopy,将由剑桥大学出版社出版。


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