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学术报告_The control of stomatal aperture and development by environmental signals

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2011-04-11 点击量:

题目:The control of stomatal aperture and development by environmental signals

主讲人Prof. Alistair Hetherington

英国布里斯托大学Melville Wills冠名教授






Alistair Hetherington















英国布里斯托大学University of Bristol


l 1990-1992 英国农业和生物研究理事会成员(AFRC)SERC(科学和工程研究理事会)发育生物学工作委员会成员

l 1993 - 1997 BBSRC联合协调员和基金委员会成员

l - 1997 BBSRC(生物技术和生命科学研究理事会)欧洲协调员,BBSRC参加Anglo-French代表

l 199419951996 BBSR细胞内信号传导研讨会共同组织人

l 第一届CNRS(法国国家科学研究院)/BBSRC细胞内信号传导研讨会 BBSRC代表

l 第二届CNRS/BBSRC细胞内信号传导研讨会共同组织人

l BBSRC巡访约翰因尼斯中心(John Innes Centre)委员

l 1997 - 1999 BBSRC 植物学和微生物学研究委员会成员

l 2003- BBSRC 策略委员会成员

l BBSRC GMO 指导委员会成员

l 2003- BBSRC 拟南芥功能基因组学指导委员会主席

l BBSRC/NERC基因流计划研究基金委员会主席

l BBSRC巡访约翰因尼斯中心(John Innes Centre)主席

l 2003 Wain and Underwood 委员会成员

l BBSRC生物成像课题持有人会议主席

l 2005 – 2008 大学研究评估委员会成员 (生物学)

l 2007 – 2010 BBSRC 系统生物学策略委员会成员

l 2007 - 2008 BBSRC环境变化研究策略评估委员会主席

l 2008 -英国皇家学会国际会议基金及短期访问评审会成员


l 1975 – 1979 圣安德鲁大学,学士学位

l 1979 - 1982 圣安德鲁大学,博士学位,导师:RMM Crawford教授和MIS Hunter博士论文题目:Lipid composition and habitat selection in higher plants".

l 1982 - 1984 爱丁堡大学植物系,博士后

l 1984 - 1991 兰开斯特老员工物系,Lecturer

l 1991- 1994 兰开斯特老员工物系,Senior Lecturer

l 1994 - 2006 兰开斯特老员工物系,教授

l 2006-至今 布里斯托大学植物系, Melville Wills 冠名教授


1. Gray, JE, Holroyd, GH, van der Lee, F, Bahrami, AR, Sijmons, PC, Woodward, FI, Schuch, W & Hetherington, AM. (2000).The HIC signalling pathway links CO2 perception to stomatal development. Nature 408:713-716)

2. McAinsh, MR, Gray, JE, Hetherington, AM, Leckie, CP & Ng, C. (2000).Calcium signalling in guard cells. Biochemical Society Transactions 28: 476-481

3. Evans, NH & Hetherington, AM. (2001).The ups and downs of calcium signalling in guard cells. Current Biology 11: R92-R94

4. Evans, NH, McAinsh, MR & Hetherington, AM. (2001).Calcium oscillations in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 4: 415-420

5. Hetherington, AM.(2001).Guard cell signaling.Cell 107:711-714

6. Ng, CK-Y & Hetherington, AM. (2001).Sphingolipid-mediated signalling in plants. Annals of Botany 88: 957-965

7. Ng, CK-Y, Carr, K, McAinsh, MR, Powell, B & Hetherington, AM(2001).Drought-induced guard cell signal transduction involves sphingosine-1-phosphate. Nature 410:596-599.

8. Ng, CK-Y, McAinsh, MR, Gray, JE, Leckie, CP, Mills, L & Hetherington, AM. (2001).Calcium-based signalling systems in guard cells.New Phytologist 151: 109-120.

9. Webb, AAR, Larman, MG, Montgomery, LT, Taylor, JE & Hetherington, AM. (2001).The role of calcium in ABA-induced gene expression and stomatal movements. Plant Journal 26: 351-362

10. Hetherington, AM & Waterhouse, PM. (2002).Cell signalling and gene regulation. The complexity of signals and level of gene regulation in plants', Current Opinion in Plant Biology 5: 373-375

11. Holroyd, GH, Hetherington, AM & Gray, JE. (2002). A role for the cuticular waxes in the environmental control of stomatal development. New Phytologist 153: 433-439

12. Hunt, L, Mills, JN, Pical, C, Leckie CP, Aitken, FL, Kopka, J, Mueller-Roeber, B, McAinsh, MR, Hetherington, AM & Gray, JE. (2003) Phospholipase C is required for the control of stomatal aperture by ABA. Plant Journal 34: 47-55

13. Worrall, D, Ng CK and Hetherington, A.M. (2003) Sphingolipids, new players in plant signalling. Trends in Plant Science 8: 317-320

14. Hetherington AM and Woodward FI (2003) The role of stomata in sensing and driving environmental change. Nature 424: 901-908

15. Goh C-H, Jung K-H, Roberts SK, McAinsh MR, Hetherington AM, Park YI and Suh KH (2004) Mitochondria provide the main source of cytosolic ATP for activation of outward-rectifying K+ channels in mesophyll protoplast of chlorophyll-deficient mutant rice (OsCHLH) seedlings. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 6874-6882.

16. Hetherington A M & Brownlee C (2004) The generation of calcium signals in plants. Annual Review Plant Biology 55: 401-427.

17. Gray JE & Hetherington AM (2004) YODA: The stomatal switch. Current Biology 14: R488-R490

18. Evans NH, McAinsh MR, Hetherington AM, Knight MR. (2005) ROS perception in Arabidopsis thaliana: the ozone-induced calcium response. Plant Journal 41: 615-626.

19. Peiter E, Maathuis FJM, Mills LN, Knight H, Hetherington AM & Sanders D. (2005) TPC1, a vacuolar Ca2+ - activated channel controlling germination and stomatal movement. Nature 434: 404-408.

20. Hetherington AM & Raven JA (2005) The biology of carbon dioxide. Current Biology 11: R406-R410.

21. Liang YK, Dubos C, Dodd IC, Holroyd GH, Hetherington AM and Campbell MM (2005) AtMYB61, an R2R3-MYB transcription factor controlling stomatal aperture in Arabidopsis thaliana. Current Biology 15: 1201-1206.

22. Bothwell JHF, Brownlee C, Hetherington AM, Ng CK, Wheeler GL and McAinsh MR (2006) Biolostic delivery of Ca2+ dyes into plant and algal cells. Plant Journal 46: 327-335.

23. Xie X, Wang Y, Williamson L, Holroyd GH, Taglivia C, Murchie E, Theobald, Davies WJ, Leyser HMO, Knight MR and Hetherington AM (2006). The identification of genes involved in the stomatal response to reduced atmospheric relative humidity. Current Biology 16: 882-887.

24. Worrall, D, Liang, YK, Alvarez, S, Holroyd, GH, Spiegel, S, Panagopulos, M, Gray, JE and Hetherington AM (2008) Involvement of sphingosine kinase in plant cell signalling. Plant Journal 56: 64-72.

25. Grierson, C, Hetherington, AM (editor). Practical Systems Biology, July 30th 2008, Taylor& Francis

26. Casson, SA, Franklin, KA, Gray JE, Grierson, CS, Whitelam GC & Hetherington, AM. (2009). Phytochrome B and PIF4 regulate stomatal development in response to light quantity. Current Biology19: 229-234

27. Ridgwell, AJ, Singarayer, JS, Hetherington, AM & Valdes, PJ. (2009).Tackling Regional Climate Change By Leaf Albedo Bio-geoengineering. Current Biology 19: 1-5

28. Liang, Y. K.,Xie, X.D., Lindsay, S.E., Wang, Y.B., Masle, J., Williamson, L., Leyser, O., Hetherington, A.H. (2010) Cell wall composition contributes to the control of transpiration efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 64: 692-699


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