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Self-assembly of polymers into designer vesicles for biomedical applications

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2020-03-16 点击量:

报告人:Jianzhong Du professor (Head of department of polymeric materials, Tongji University)

时    间:2020年3月19日(星期四)16:00-18:00

地    点:腾讯会议(444 561 658)

邀请人 :杨光教授

Jianzhong Du received his PhD in chemistry in 2004 from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), under the supervision of Prof. Yongming Chen. He worked with Prof. Steve Armes at the University of Sheffield (2004-2008), Prof. Rachel O’Reilly at the University of Cambridge (2008-2010) as a research fellow. He was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Germany in 2006. He was appointed as an 'Eastern Scholar' professor at Tongji University in Shanghai in 2009. At present he is head of department of polymeric materials, Tongji University, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), Committee Member of Polymer Division Chinese Chemical Society, member of advisory board of Biomacromolecules, Acta Polymerica Sinica, Reactive and Functional Polymers, and the recipient of a 5-year National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.

He was awarded National Award for the Progress in Science and Technology in 2016 (3/15). His current research focuses on the synthesis, characterization, and biomedical applications of polymers and useful polymeric nanomaterials such as polymer vesicles. He also has wide interests in the interdisciplinary bridging between polymer science, biomedicine, and materials science, such as controlled drug delivery, gene delivery, antibacterial materials, theranostic vesicles, and treatment of diabetes, etc. He has published 103 peer-reviewed articles in JACS, Angew. Chem., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, Nano Lett., Chem. Sci., Mater. Horiz., Biomaterials, J. Controlled Release, Macromolecules, ACS Macro Lett., etc.

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