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Putting 3D Bioprinting to Human Tissue and Tissue Model Fabrication

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2020-03-16 点击量:

报告人:Y. Shrike Zhang(Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School)

时  间:2020年3月17日(星期二) 9:30-11:30

地  点:腾讯会议(663 978 478)



Over the last decades, the fabrication of three-dimensional (3D) tissues has become commonplace. However, conventional 3D biofabrication techniques are limited in their capacity to produce complex tissue constructs with the required precision and controllability that are needed to replicate biologically relevant tissues. To this end, 3D bioprinting offers great versatility in the fabrication of biomimetic volumetric tissues that are both structurally and functionally relevant. It enables precise control of the composition, spatial distribution, and architecture of bioprinted constructs facilitating the recapitulation of the delicate shapes and structures of targeted organs and tissues. This talk will discuss our recent efforts in developing a series of advanced 3D bioprinting strategies along with various cytocompatible bioink formulations. These platform technologies are likely to provide new opportunities in constructing functional tissues to facilitate regeneration and microtissue models for promoting personalized medicine.


Dr. Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Associate Bioengineer in the Division of Engineering in Medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Zhang is directing the Laboratory of Engineered Living Systems, where the research is focused on innovating medical engineering technologies, including 3D bioprinting, organs-on-chips, microfluidics, and bioanalysis, to recreate functional tissues and their biomimetic models, for applications in regenerative medicine and personalized medicine. He is an author of >180 peer-reviewed publications (h-index = 50) and his scientific contributions have been recognized by >40 international, national, and regional awards.

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