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学术报告-Polymorphism of cellulose and its analogues :from crystal structure to molecular interaction

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2018-07-20 点击量:

报告人:西山义春教授 (Prof. Yoshiharu Nishiyama)
时间:2018年7月23日 (星期一) 下午14:30 – 16:30


邀请人:杨 光 教授

Cellulose and its analogues such as chitin, chitosan or cellulose derivatives can form various crystals that allows structure determination at atomic resolution. We have been refining the crystal structures using X-ray and neutron fiber diffraction techniques. Modern theoretical calculation based on density functional theory gives close results to the experimentally determined crystal structure, providing complementary information where ambiguity remains in the fiber diffraction studies that are inherently limited by the resolution. The series of crystal structure, including solvated crystals are now giving insights into the molecular interactions involving cellulose, giving clues to the efficient transformation of cellulose and their analogues.

西山义春教授(Prof. Yoshiharu Nishiyama),现代纤维素晶体结构奠基人,TEMPO 氧化改性纤维素方法开发者之一。2000 年博士毕业于日本东京大学,2000-2004 年任东京大学助理教授,2004 年起就职于法国国家科学研究院植物大分子研究中心终生研究员,2018 年被聘任为瑞典皇家工学院瓦伦堡木材科学研究中心客座教授。迄今,在JACS, PNAS, Macromolecules, Green Chemistry, ACS Macro Letter, Biomacromlecules 等高分子领域内的国际主流杂志上发表论文90 余篇。其中,天然纤维素晶体结构的单篇文章他引次数均1000+。鉴于西山义春教授在表征天然纤维素晶体结构的开创性工作,于2012 年获得国际高分子会议Hayashi 奖。于2015 年与日本东京大学Isogai,Saito 教授共同获得有着“森林木材科学领域的诺贝尔奖”之称的马库斯・沃伦伯格奖(Marcus Wallenberg Prize)。目前西山义春教授担任国际著名期刊Cellulose 和Scientific Reports 的编委。


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