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学术报告:Smart Chemistries Bridging Materials to Biomedical Research & Translations

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2018-07-13 点击量:

报告题目:Smart Chemistries Bridging Materials to Biomedical Research & Translations

报告人:黄潇 博士, University of California San Francisco





My research interest focuses on the functionalization of biocompatible materials for applications in cancer immunotherapy, regenerative medicine and many other disease models. Novel materials and methods with rationale design are also used to investigate the basic mechanisms underlying various biological processes. My research goal is to bring unprecedented outreach of knowledge and control over diseases through interdisciplinary design of materials, physics and chemistries. Here I am introducing several examples where smart and interesting chemistries are applied in the fields including RNAi drug targeted delivery, stem cell related research and cancer immunotherapy.




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