1. 生物质谱技术在精准临床诊断上的应用
报告人:陈朝晖 美国加利福利亚州洛杉矶西达赛来健康医疗中心 教授
邀请人: 杨光 教授
陈朝晖,现任美国加利福利亚州洛杉矶西达赛来健康医疗中心助理教授,博士后导师,同时兼职美国加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院助理教授。 她的主要研究兴趣在于转化前沿生物质谱(含色谱)为基础的分析检测平台以用于高通量医疗和临床推广应用研究, 涵盖小分子和蛋白组员工物大分子生物标志物检测。其实验室尤其注重定量质谱分析检测,包括优化多反应检测 (MRM 或 SRM) 和最新的高分辨生物质谱 (HRMS)在临床检验和研究上的攻关。以神经变性和心血管疾病为例,陈朝晖博士将要阐发和讨论质谱方法提供的诊断疾病的数据在测量的准确性和可靠性上所具有的巨大优势,及今后精准临床检验面临的主要挑战与发展机遇。
Zhaohui Chen, current an assistant professor at Cedar Sinai Medical Center at Los Angeles and University of California, Los Angeles medical center. Her primary interest is to translate the cutting edge mass spectrometry (MS) validation and discoveries platforms technologies into high throughput medical and clinical researches and applications, including small molecular analytes and clinical proteomics. Her lab has focused the developing technical pipelines for quantitative mass spectrometry methods, which includes multiple reaction monitoring (MRM, also known as SRM) and most recently high resolution MS (HRMS) while applying to key clinical questions. Neurodegeneration and cardiovascular diseases related studies will be used as examples to elucidate that high sensitivity, selectivity and reproducibility of the high throughput mass spectrometry assays expand the capacity for modern precise clinical diagnostics and hold the future of large population health care.