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来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2017-04-24 点击量:

1.   From Sensation to Adaptation : New insights into thermosensation and thermal adaptation
   报告人:余雁寻  Brandeis University   博后
2  Human Oncogene Activation by Pan-Cancer DNA Hyper-Methylation
   报告人:苏建忠  美国贝勒医学院   博后


2007 Ph.D.  Neuroscience, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1999 B.S.  Microbiology and Immunology, Wuhan University, China
2011 - present  Postdoctoral fellow   Brandeis University, Lab of Piali Sengupta
2007 - 2011  Postdoctoral fellow   University of Rochester, Lab of Michael Welte
2000 - 2007  Pre-doctoral fellow   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Lab of Martha Gillette
1999 - 2000  Pre-doctoral fellow    Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1998 - 1999  Research assistant Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Lab of  Zuo-yan Zhu
2016  Travel award from Glenn Foundation for Medical Research for attending the course
“Comparative and Experimental Approaches to Aging Biology Research”
at MDI Biological Laboratory
2002  Graduate Teaching Certificate, University of Illinois
1998  Graduated with Honors, Wuhan University
1997  Hua Zang Fellowship for Academic Excellency, Wuhan University
1996  Fellowship for Academic Excellency, Wuhan University
PUBLICATIONS (* denotes equal contribution)
Takeishi1 A*, Yu YV*, Hapiak VM, Bell HW, O’Leary T, Sengupta P. Receptor-type guanylyl cyclases are thermosensory proteins in C. elegans. Neuron. (2016) 90:235
Yu YV*, Bell HW*, Glauser DA, Van Hooser SD, Goodman MB, Sengupta P. CaMKI-dependent regulation of sensory gene expression mediates experience-dependent plasticity in the operating range of a thermosensory neuron. Neuron. (2014) 84: 919
Schild LC, Zbinden L, Bell HW, Yu YV, Sengupta P, Goodman MB, Glauser DA. The balance between cytoplasmic and nuclear CaM kinase-1 signaling controls the operating range of noxious heat avoidance. Neuron. (2014) 84:983
Gaspar I*, Yu YV*, Cotton SL, Kim DH, Ephrussi A, Welte MA. Klar ensures thermal robustness of oskar localization by restraining RNP motility. J Cell Biol. (2014) 206:199
Jin YN, Yu YV, Gundemir S, Jo C, Cui M, Tieu K, Johnson GV. Impaired mitochondrial dynamics and Nrf2 signaling contribute to compromised responses to oxidative stress in striatal cells expressing full-length mutant huntingtin. PLoS One. (2013) 8(3):e57932
Elhanany-Tamir H, Yu YV, Shnayder M, Jain A, Welte MA, Volk T. Organelle positioning in muscles requires cooperation between two KASH proteins and microtubules. J Cell Biol. (2012)198:833
Wang TA*, Yu YV*, Govindaiah G, Ye X, Artinian L, Coleman TP, Sweedler JV, Cox CL, Gillette MU. Circadian rhythm of redox state regulates excitability in suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons. Science. (2012) 337:839
Yu YV, Li ZH, Rizzo NP, Einstein J, Welte MA. Targeting the Motor Regulator Klar to Lipid Droplets. BMC Cell Biol. (2011) 12:9
2007 Spring MCB 251 Experimental Techniques in Molecular Biology
2006 Spring MCB 250 Molecular Genetics
2005 Fall  MCB 250 Molecular Genetics
2005 Fall  MCB 401 Cell and Membrane Physiology
2005 Spring MCB 253 Experimental Techniques in Cell Biology
2004 Fall  MCB 251 Experimental Techniques in Molecular Biology
2002 Spring PHYSL 103 Introduction to Human Physiology Lab
2001 Fall  PHYSL 103 Introduction to Human Physiology Lab
2001 Spring CSB 217 Experimental Techniques in Cellular and Molecular Biology
2000 Fall  PHYSL 103 Introduction to Human Physiology Lab
2016 Department of Cell Biology, University of Connecticut Health Center “Receptor-type guanylyl cyclases : new insights into thermosenstion”
2014 BAWM (Boston Area Worm Meeting) “A role for CaMKI in thermosensory adaptation”
2014 C. elegans Neuro Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin “CaMKI-mediated adaption to temperature in C. elegans” SELECTED POSTERS
2015  C. elegans international meeting, Los Angeles, CA AFD-specific guanylate cyclases and CMK1-mediated thermosensory signaling in AFD.
2010  Annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, Philadelphia, PA
The motor Regulator Klar Interacts Physically and Functionally with Kinesin-1 and
Dynein in Drosophila Ovaries.
2004  Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA Redox State Modulates Directionality of Responses of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus to Glutamate.

    苏建忠博士,2013年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学数学系。2014年2月起在美国贝勒医学院分子与细胞生物学系李蔚实验室从事博士后研究。苏建忠博士的研究兴趣是计算癌症表观遗传学和转录基因组学,  DNA 甲基化在癌症中调控致癌基因和抑癌基因的机制研究。已在 Nature Genetics, Nature Communication, Genome Biology, Nucleic Acid Research,Development等国际知名刊物发表30余篇科研论文,开发高通量的癌症表观遗传分析软件3个,数据库2个。


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